Soraya Abdel-Hadi


9th September 2018

It's time to change the face of adventure

The outdoors is often portrayed as the preserve of young white males. As Soraya Abdel-Hadi argues, breaking down these stereotypes will benefit not just society but the wider environment too

9th September 2018

It's time to change the face of adventure

The outdoors is often portrayed as the preserve of young white males. As Soraya Abdel-Hadi argues, breaking down these stereotypes will benefit not just society but the wider environment too


Soraya Abdel-Hadi

Soraya Abdel-Hadi

Soraya Abdel-Hadi is an award-winning writer, artist and advocate for women and diversity in the UK outdoors. She believes in taking a holistic approach to making the world a better place, and writes about sustainability, nature and adventure travel. She is particularly interested in how you can integrate more mindful choices into your travel and how individual decisions can make a positive impact on our planet. Soraya is Lonely Planet Sustainable Storyteller 2021.