Rosie Riley


25th November 2021

It’s a Tour de France not a 1-day Sportive

One month on, we asked Matt Wood to share his reflections on 'Ride the Change; and on the linkages, learnings and connections between the ride and global climate action. 

25th November 2021

Let the road rise up to meet you

Grace ter Haar reflects on three lasting impacts of her experience cycling from London to Glasgow during Ride the Change.

25th November 2021

The Puncture Problem; Riding the (innertube) Change

In the days that followed this epic journey, our WhatsApp group continued to build community, link riders together and facilitate sharing, communication and bonding. Shortly after our Ride, Matt Wood developed and delivered The Puncture Graph; a handy visual representation displaying two variables: ‘total punctures on the ride’ and ‘total punctures in one day', broken down by various riders.


Rosie Riley

Rosie Riley

Co-Founder/Director of Adventure Uncovered, writer and dedicated North Sea surfer who settles for cycling, running and outdoor swimming when in London. Advocate and promoter of sustainability and clean technology in the UK corporate sector and developing countries.