2023 Official selections

Directed by Luke Hill-Norton

​​"Libertad" follows Adrián, a boy with limited opportunities from the northern Peruvian town of Cerrito de la Virgen. He discovers surfing through a local non-profit organisation ‘Surf Cerrito’, which he learns to balance with his difficult personal life. His relationship with the ocean is const...

Directed by Matilda Thompson

Seb, a Surf Therapy Journey is a heartwarming short documentary about a charismatic 12-year-old with ADHD and autism who embarks on a six-week surf therapy course. Ride the waves of Seb’s infectious personality as we follow him on his journey of self-discovery, aided by the unwavering support of...

2023 Special selections

Directed by dryrobe®

One talented, big wave surfer who has found his home in 'The Emerald Isle' is Taz Knight. Growing up in North Devon, Taz is passionate about the extreme surf found there. This short film follows up him to understand what he loves about the Irish coast and why he perseveres with the intense condit...

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