2023 Official selections

Directed by Huw James

"DOWNSTREAM" is a joint science and film project that explores these far-reaching effects. The film follows Juliette, a French Hydro-Ecologist who grew up in the shadow of Chamonix's retreating glaciers. She embarks on a global journey, from the vineyards of Switzerland to the slalom rivers of No...

Directed by Jon Moy

An ambitious world’s first in global ski mountaineering, and an exploratory documentary investigating catastrophic deglaciation and its effects within the wider climate emergency. Our aim is to become the first people to climb and ski the tallest mountain on each of the seven continents - from Ki...

Directed by Hannah Bailey

In the Scottish Highlands, the word “thrawn” means “stubborn,” but in a good way. It’s a virtuous struggle to make the most of what’s available. Professional snowboarder Lesley McKenna was raised on thrawn, and she has spent her life pushing the boundaries of her sport while advocating for the pe...

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