2023 Official selections

Directed by Chris Hutchens

Among Green Soldiers - a film based in Glen Feshie in the Cairngorms exploring the rewilding of the Scottish Highlands. Chris Hutchens and Christo Gallagher meet up with Ronan Dugan an ecologist on the Estate to explore the efforts being made to recover this Glen closer to what it once was before...

Directed by George Leakey

Then latest chapter in the Team Amani journey, one that, more than ever before will put the their body and bike to, and beyond the limits. The race to the Swahili Coast, trekking East across through the hills and valleys of stunning Tanzania, with western twist. Against a backdrop that left a red...

Directed by Catherine Dunn

Have you ever discovered something unbelievable? Something life changing? But when you finally summon the words to tell someone, you're met with that classic line: 'but your generation will save us'. Not a Hero's Journey is a long distance adventurous protest to the COP26 climate summit. The clim...

Directed by Tommy Wilkinson

A three day bike packing adventure in Northumberland, UK, exploring the state of English River Health, good times and a search for tight line on the River Breamish and Coquet. The rivers that cut paths through our land are the arteries that connect us to the wider world. From birth, we learn to l...

In the heart of Virginia, the Richmond Cycling Corps (RCC) is hard at work connecting with local youth and helping them discover the power of cycling. RCC Director Matt Kuhn has built an incredible community of young cyclists and has helped kids find their way as aspiring engineers, professional...

Directed by Jérémie Reuiller

They say the biking is just a pretext. An excuse to open doors and open minds. Following Fred Horny from Bishkek to the Lenin Peak, Kanymda kumiss is more than a mountain bike movie. It's an adventure. Descending rapid rivers in his packraft, sharing times with nomads while the 30th anniversary o...

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