

16th December 2021

The emerging world of swimpacking

Searching for a water-based journey to complete her long-distance triathlon, but unwilling to hoist a kayak past her neighbour's balcony every morning, Annie Voigt stumbled across the emerging world of swimpacking.


Calum Hudson

Calum Hudson

Calum is the middle brother of the Wild Swimming Brothers, who work to promote wild swimming, conservation and the link between creativity and the outdoors through writing, artwork, hosting and participating in sports events and festivals and, most importantly, swimming. They have swam the world’s three most powerful maelstroms, the River Eden from source to sea, the length of Loch Broom and the Turkish Hellespont, from Europe to Asia.

Rosie Riley

Rosie Riley

Co-Founder/Director of Adventure Uncovered, writer and dedicated North Sea surfer who settles for cycling, running and outdoor swimming when in London. Advocate and promoter of sustainability and clean technology in the UK corporate sector and developing countries.


Meandering down the Mole

30th June 2018
Surrey, England

Durdle Door Wild Swim

2nd September 2017
Durdle Door, England