

22nd October 2023

Living for a year in fancy dress

In October 2022, Bear Intentions finished a year of total silence. He then jumped straight into a year of only wearing fancy dress in public. This is his story.

2nd March 2023

A weekend spent paying to unplug

When John Downes heard about the chance to pay for a weekend away with the option of having his phone taken from him, he was taken aback by how much excitement it brought. So he decided to try it.

7th October 2022

The Bahnar Jo Long: animism in the mountains of Vietnam

The Bahnar Jo Long are one of 40 hill-tribe groups indigenous to Vietnam’s Central Highlands. As animists they live in intimate harmony with the forest, but illegal logging and infrastructure development threaten their way of life. Photographer Jim Johnston was honoured to be their guest for a while.

7th October 2022

The onward journey

Dougald Hine’s travels as a young man, hitchhiking and backpacking through a time of apparent political plenty, seem to belong to a different era. Today, in the age of XR, what does it mean to travel onwards? And, more importantly, what does it mean to come home?


Bear Intentions

Bear Intentions

Bear Intentions is a personal trainer, yoga and meditation teacher, and massage therapist. He's fascinated by health and how to best manage tension. And so, in September 2020, to further his understanding, he created a four-year rite of passage: The 4 Years of Intention.

John Downes

John Downes

John Downes is a London-based journalist, with nearly 10 years in the news industry. He has travelled all over the world, from Guatemala, to Vietnam, Madagascar and beyond. John has a particular love for Latin America and his love for the culture began with a three-month post-university stay in Bolivia.

Eloise Stark

Eloise Stark

Eloise Stark is a freelance journalist specialising in feminism and travel. Her work has appeared in New York Times, Broadview, AFP, Huck Magazine and Atlas Obscura amongst other publications. She was awarded the prestigious French Social Journalism Award in 2018. Last year, she was a Semi-Finalist in the Medium Writers' Challenge, with her personal essay ranking in the top ten entries.