Sustainable Travel


25th June 2021

A Walk In The Skye – By Air, Land & Sea

A Seabird’s View: Extreme athlete, Alexander Schulz, completes acrobatic slackline stunt
between the cliffs of West Skye and the famous MacLeods Maidens.


Adventure Uncovered

Adventure Uncovered

Adventure Uncovered influences social and environmental change through responsible adventure.

Joe Reid

Joe Reid

Joe Reid is the Founder of Brake the Cycle, a company that takes groups on bike tours across the UK and Europe. From epic adventures such as Lands End - John O’Groats to weekend retreats combining cycling and yoga, all their tours boast a unique, sustainability infused twist.

Abby Walters

Abby Walters

Abby Walters is a PR professional with a love for nature and the outdoors. She lives in Cheshire, UK.


Global Electric Vehicle Road Trip

1st November 2016
Europe & Middle East