
Adventure Uncovered is the go-to place for stories, voices and ideas that explore where outdoor culture meets social and environmental change.
Editorial Opportunities
Want to drive real change in the adventure community, together? We're looking to collaborate with brands, businesses and organisations as passionate about using adventure as a force for good as we are.
Take a look at the full range of our progressive, editorial opportunities here.
Image from Edition 2, courtesy of Neil Irwin
Editions are thematic collections of adventure storytelling, published quarterly on each equinox and solstice. All Editions contributions except interviews are paid (part-funded by our Patreon supporters) and we welcome pitches of all kinds from all people.
Previous Editions include Slowing Down, The Real Risk Takers, Backyard Celebration and a special Best of 2020 Edition.
Upcoming Editions
Transitions (below) will be our last Edition, at least for a while. To learn why, you can read our recent Story on the decision. As we explain, Editions will be replaced with a new newsletter. We'll be bringing you more stories, more regularly.
Transitions (July 21st)
As we transition ourselves between chapters and storytelling formats, we felt it apt to explore the theme of transition when it comes to adventure and social and environmental issues. Lots of scope for fascinating stories. Pitch us by May 10th, when we will make commissioning decisions.
Here is a short guide on how to pitch us. And here is a full explanation of our payment model.
Image from Edition 1, courtesy of Calum Hudson
Stories are one-off pieces published outside of Editions, including long-form features, timely reports, interviews, art and more.
The pitch process is the same as for Editions, so check out our pitch guide for the details.
Projects are bespoke projects in collaboration with like-minded organisations. From one-off features to longer series diving deeper into specific themes, we’re open to ideas. Projects represent a blank slate. If you’re an organisation interested in collaborating on any content idea, email James at to learn more and receive our media kit.
Image from Edition 11, courtesy of Stephen Evans
Image from Edition 4, courtesy of Em Hartova