2023 Official selections

Directed by Michelle Sanders

Anthroposea: The Human Ocean explores how we are all fundamentally part of the ocean. The film aims to convey the importance of social science to conserving the ocean, with a mission to inspire and inform more people to consider these fields in their environmental work. The film was made durin...

Directed by Dan McDougall

Set in Correa, Down East Maine, USA, Salt Lines tells the extraordinary and uplifting story of a single mother, hauling lobster traps for a living in an unforgiving man’s world. Raising her own son, created with an anonymous sperm donor, to be the fifth generation “Lobsterman” in her family, whil...

Directed by Roo Smith

Kevin Wilson, 31 years after a paralyzing car crash, is now living his dream as a ski bum despite a long and difficult path to get to where he is now. After his car wreck, he struggled with mental health, alcoholism and obesity but wanted to make a positive change in his life - so he started skii...

Directed by Dan McDougall

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Searchlight is an intimate triptych narrative that gets under the skin of what it is like to risk your life as an RNLI volunteer. Providing an on-call search and rescue service for the UK and Ireland, 24 hours a day, 365...

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