2023 Official selections

Directed by Euan Robinson

The uncertain future of skiing in Scotland has inspired Jamie Kunka to make sustainable skis out of wood. Based in his cabin in the Scottish Highlands, Jamie is the last ski maker in Scotland. Jamie began teaching himself how to make his wooden skis after watching a Vimeo Staff Pick by Wyatt Visu...

Directed by Jérôme Tanon

Sam Anthamatten and Victor De Le Rue explore the wildest corner of Alaska, in search of the craziest spine walls to ski and snowboard. A bush pilot drops the small crew of 5 on a remote, unexplored glacier to establish a base camp. They attempt to conquer the spine walls by foot, in a series of a...

Directed by Roo Smith

Kevin Wilson, 31 years after a paralyzing car crash, is now living his dream as a ski bum despite a long and difficult path to get to where he is now. After his car wreck, he struggled with mental health, alcoholism and obesity but wanted to make a positive change in his life - so he started skii...

Bad weather, harsh conditions, avalanche risk. Why are we doing this? After a failed ski-expedition to Tajikistan back in 2019 the pro freeriders Fabian Lentsch, Max Kroneck and Joi Hoffmann are trying to find an answer to this question together with mountainguide and psychologist Pauli Trenkwald...

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