2022 Official selections

Directed by Missy

Beyond the Break is a documentary about Sam Danniels, a multi-sport professional athlete in three para-skiing disciplines, as well as cycling, snowmobiling and paragliding. Sam Danniels refuses to let his life-changing spinal cord injury become a barrier to the many outdoor sports that he loves....

Directed by Laura Basil Duncan

A short documentary about an adaptive surfer’s journey to restart. Rebirth focuses on Benoit, a surfer from the Basque country, fighting for his love of riding waves after a freak accident resulted in him losing an arm. Through deep perseverance and an upbeat spirit, the challenge to adapt develo...

Directed by Anne Cleary

When am I going to see someone who looks like me? Am I going to have to do it myself? An action-driven ski and snowboard film elevating people of color, women and adaptive athletes.

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