Dan Diez loves to fish. It's the reason why he spends many long nights under bridges in Miami fly fishing out of a canoe for giant tarpon. On the surface, his passion flows from the thrills and wonder of a heart-pounding experience with rod and fly that connects him intimately with the natural world. However, at a deeper level, the passion is rooted in a story--a story about Dan and his grandfather--that involves traditions born in Cuba, political imprisonment, the search for a new home, and a relationship with water that symbolizes a freedom often taken for granted.
*This story was inspired by a panel at a 2019 film festival on equitable access, specifically their challenge to tell more stories of "people of colour in spaces that have been traditionally white."
**The feature song in the soundtrack is by a Cuban band, Sweet Lizzy Project, who recently came to the United States to pursue their passion. They were one of the last Cubans to get visas to come to the U.S. after President Trump's abrupt reversal of diplomat relations in 2017.