Anthroposea: The Human Ocean explores how we are all fundamentally part of the ocean. The film aims to convey the importance of social science to conserving the ocean, with a mission to inspire and inform more people to consider these fields in their environmental work. The film was made durin...
2023 Film Festival
2023 Official selections
Motivated by a desire to better understand his home watershed, Jordan Rowell embarks on a two week kayaking trip along the 120-mile length of Lake Champlain, stopping to talk to a wide range of characters about the future of their shared basin. Set 50 years after the passage of the Clean Water Ac...
Told from the perspective of indigenous activist Narubia Werreria, ‘The Ghost Rainforest’ follows a group of five indigenous leaders and activists from the Amazon, making an emotionally charged journey to the last remnant of a lost ecosystem; a desperately rare temperate rainforest habitat on the...
A three day bike packing adventure in Northumberland, UK, exploring the state of English River Health, good times and a search for tight line on the River Breamish and Coquet. The rivers that cut paths through our land are the arteries that connect us to the wider world. From birth, we learn to l...
2023 Special selections
In Patagonia Films’ For the Love of the Sea, a family pioneers a movement to revive the Welsh coastline and a fishing industry that locals have depended on for decades. The documentary short follows Câr y Môr, the first community-owned regenerative ocean farm in Wales. Cultivating versatile crops...
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