Among Green Soldiers - a film based in Glen Feshie in the Cairngorms exploring the rewilding of the Scottish Highlands. Chris Hutchens and Christo Gallagher meet up with Ronan Dugan an ecologist on the Estate to explore the efforts being made to recover this Glen closer to what it once was before...
2023 Film Festival
2023 Official selections
Rethinking routines. Breaking with habits. Exploring new paths. “More than a route” is a documentary about finding a way to protect what we love: It follows top climber and ecologist Lena Müller on her new approach to mountain sports. Ecopoint is climbing car free, so Lena sets out with her grave...
Follow the life changing events that led window cleaner Steve Truluck to discover his passion - helping others fulfil their dreams of connecting with orcas. Steve was trapped in a mundane life, but a job relocation to Scotland unexpectedly ignited what quickly became an obsession for marine wildl...
2023 Special selections
We took a telescope around the streets of Los Angeles to give strangers an up-close look at a familiar object; a new view of the moon.
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